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App Defaults

I originally saw this post on Mastodon about App Defaults and how a load of people's defaults were shared and collected in one place. As part of the push to start writing, why not check my own defaults, and see how much of an impact they have on my use.

The list of categories can be found in the original post, and there's even an RSS feed linked there, which you can follow for updates when more default lists are added!

On to the main event, with some reasoning. Maybe the what will still be the same in a few years, but I wonder if the why will be any different.

My List

📨 Mail Client - Wino Mail - Windows' basic Mail app is dying in 2024 :<
📮 Mail Server - Gmail
📝 Notes - Keep - Rarely take notes, but I need them in my calendar when I do
✅ To-Do - Tasks - It shows up in my calendar and my watch
📷 Phone Photo Shooting - Samsung Camera - The GoodLock modules are really powerful
🟦 Photo Management - Photos - I take so few, the free tier will last for ages
📆 Calendar - Calendar
📁 Cloud File Storage - Drive - I barely use online storage, mostly schoolwork
📖 RSS - - I haven't found a reader I like, gives me notifications
🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts - Google
🌐 Browser - Chrome - Edge has some neat tricks, but is unusable with the bloat
💬 Chat - Discord
🔖 Bookmarks - None - I just don't use them anymore
📑 Read It Later - None - I keep a million tabs open, lol
📜 Word Processing - VSCode + Word - Write in Markdown, edit + style in Word
📈 Spreadsheets - Excel - Works on my phone too
📊 Presentations - Powerpoint - Works on my phone too
🛒 Shopping Lists - Keep - As with Notes, and shows on my watch
🍴 Meal Planning - Paper + Pen - More of a family thing, not digital
💰 Budgeting / Finance - None - Just getting into this
📰 News - None - Mostly get news through others telling me
🎧 Music - Spotify
🎤 Podcasts - Spotify - Already have it for music, and I don't use discovery features
🔐 Password Management - Bitwarden - Free, while actually being decent

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